Success story of cardinal tetra breeders in Indonesia

Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra are very popular in the market. These two types of fish are arguably Depok icons its distribution has reached overseas.

According to some information sourced from local news sites on the internet, Neon Tetra and Cardinal Terta fish are very good to be developed in Bojongsari, because the PH quality of the water is good, which is between 6 to 7. 

This article is a success story of the Cardinal tetra ornamental fish breeder who has been practicing ornamental fish cultivation for more than 7 years with an initial capital of Rp. 1,000,000 and started with 10 aquariums, and now the aquarium has grown to 200 aquariums arranged with neatly arranged shelves.

The location for the cultivation is in Bojongsari Depok and already has customers who routinely buy Cardinal tetra from Gompal's cultivation every month.

According to him, Cardinal tetra fish are selling well in the market, even though he himself still lacks to meet customer demands.

In a month the production of Cardinal tetra fish can reach 50,000 to 70,000  from fish that are 40 days old from the eggs hatched in the aquarium.

Feeding the fish larvae using artemia and then when the fish have grown a little are fed with Daphnia until harvest.

According to  Gompal, Cardinal tetra breeders can produce optimally for up to 1 year and must be replaced with new prospective brooders, and the broodstock can still be sold again.

my indo fish 
Blog about the world of ornamental fish
